8 Eye's

Take Castlevania, add more challenge (may god save us) and throw in a falcon. Voila. 8 Eye's. A very innovative game, if you were to ask me. Although the title is grammatically incorrect (8 Eye's suggests either "8 Eye is going to the store. I hope he buys us some milk." or "This is 8 Eye's chair, not yours.") it is still a good quality game. I will just refer to the game by it's grammatically correct name, 8 Eyes, from now on.

The idea of 8 Eyes is to run around the world and collect little jewel thingies. Oooo. I believe there are eight of 'em. And I believe they are referred to as 8 eyes. After you get all 8, you have to go to the house of Ruth, and put them in the right order. So, on top of avoiding getting poked, prodded, and proverbially sat on, you have to solve a puzzle. Hmm... Anyway, from level to level you have to work with your falcon to hit switches, enter doors, avoid traps, and kill various mean people. The falcon, of course, is just a blast to control, in one player mode. A word of advice... try to play 8 Eyes in two player mode.

Graphics 4
Play Control 3
Replay Value 2
Fun Factor 3
Overall 3
